This is the help resource center to trouble shoot the most common problems.

Problem:  I have picture but no sound.

Solution:  Most likely, your TV is on the wrong input.  Go to the HELP function on your remote, and answer the questions.  Simply pressing or tapping HELP usually fixes the problem!

Problem:  My remote is not responding to any commands. 

Solution:  Like smart phones or laptops, your remote is a computer that needs to be rebooted once in awhile.  Rebooting methods depend on which model remote you have.  Should this problem occur, give us a call and 90% of the time, we can step you through this simple process over the phone!

Most problems occur as a result of too many hands on the equipment.  Your remote control is designed to do things for you,  When components get turned on or switched manually, it confuses the remote and commands like ON or OFF get reversed as a result.  But don't sweat, it's almost always a very easy fix!